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Interest Groups

In addition to local, general interest meetups, Bescy organizes special interest groups: where people interested in a particular topic can meet, learn more, and network. These are usually online, because participants are scattered around the globe.

In the past, each group had its own Meetup or Eventbrite page. We're now moving over to a central list, hosted on

If you'd like to join one of special interest groups, just for our mailing list and indicate the topics you're interested in. You can also suggest a new topic! 

Bescy has two long-standing groups and three new ones we are creating now.

Existing Group: Practitioners

The Practitioner Community hosts monthly virtual events to help Behavioral Science practitioners to meet, connect and learn from each other.

This virtual community is global and open to all, though geared specifically to those who are applying behavioral science in their work. Typically, our events include a brief presentation by one or more leading Practitioners, who share/discuss a key challenge or perceived opportunity.  This is often followed by group discussion and smaller break-out sessions, which allow participants to connect with others in the field.  

The Community has been in existence since 2022 and is curated by Scott Young and Neela Saldanha of Bescy.  Sign up or reach out to them with any questions or suggestions.

Existing Group: Health and Fitness

Are you currently an entrepreneur, product manager, or designer using behavioral science to build policies, programs, or products in health and fitness? If so, we'd love for you to join us!

Bescy Health & Fitness is a special interest group focused on bringing together a community of do-gooders by curating monthly virtual events designed to grow your knowledge and expand your circle through networking and shared learnings.

Bescy Health & Fitness is curated by  Erin Laverone and Clayton Key.  Sign up on our mailing list page, or reach out to them with any questions or suggestions.    

New Groups: Systems Analysis; Environment

Our two newest groups are the Behavioral Science & Systems Analysis group, and the Behavioral Science & the Environment group. Please check their landing pages for more information.  

More to Come

We are in the process of starting up new groups: one on international development (building on our new book), one on behavioral branding. If you're interested in joining either of them, you can do so by selecting them on our mailing list signup page, or just by emailing the relevant leaders for the development or branding groups.